Important Information Regarding Shipping: Covid-19 and Brexit

Due to the impacts of Covid-19 and possibly Brexit, the USA & UK ports are experiencing an escalating influx of import volumes.

This is resulting in overcapacity and/ or equipment shortages. While affecting ports worldwide, it is especially being felt in Southampton, Felixstowe, New York, and Los Angeles.

The shutdowns due to coronavirus mean that some vessels may not be able to enter or choose not to enter certain ports as the loading and discharging of goods grows. Shortages of 20-foot and 40-foot shipping containers have also been a side effect of the Coronavirus and ships that are running as scheduled are at maximum capacity.

Please be patient, flexible, and allow for possible delays in container availability at the time of loading. The more notice we have, the better!

Due to these issues, there is a possibility of extra charges incurred and freight cost fluctuations are a possibility.

Your shipment may need to remain in storage at origin until containers become available. Continuous planning and pro-active measures are taking place to mitigate any delays for smooth movements by us, however, delays in transit times are possible. We expect this to continue through early 2021.

UPakWeShip will do everything in its power to maintain your existing quote and transit times and will keep you updated via our automatic tracking system and by our coordinators. Please be patient during these difficult times and know that everyone at EuroUSA and UPakWeShip are doing everything possible to keep your shipment on schedule.

At the time of writing, this is not affecting our U-Crate and pallet services but is affecting some of our self-load 20 and 40-foot shipping container routes.

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