Where did you reside before?
Enter USA or Canada for example followed by the address you live or lived.
You then have to type the date you stopped living at that address.
This can be a date in the future if for example you are not moving to the UK for another few weeks or months. Presumably in most cases the date entered here will be a few days before the date you entered that you were expecting to live in the UK.
Did you own your home or rent a home?
Answer this and don’t forget to enclose a purchase agreement or rental agreement.
If there are other circumstances like I was living with my Mom then please explain that on the form.
It might be wise to complete a rental agreement if you don’t have one. They are available at Staples or other office supply stores.
Did you already own a home in the UK?
Most will probably answer no but if you are a Brit returning and you still own a home in the UK then click yes and type in the address and the date you left the UK. Don’t forget you need to have been outside of the UK for at least 12 months to obtain duty free entry of your shipment.
Have you ever lived in the UK or another EU country?
Most Brits returning will answer this as yes and enter the date they departed and why.
Others will probably answer as no.
One presumes they are looking to check that you have indeed been out side of the UK or EU for the last 12 months in order to get duty free entry. I think they might drop the EU part soon after Brexit.
Are you importing a means of transport?
This is a British way of saying are you importing a car, motorbike or anything with an engine that you wish to register and title in the UK.
Are you importing any pets?
If you are, then answer yes and you can use the same TOR number for you pet.
Have you applied for tax relief for the same goods elsewhere?
Most people will answer this one as No
Date of Entry
Dates you expect the goods to arrive:
As we are asking you to complete this form in advance you will probably be checking the goods have not arrived in the UK. In which case you will need to put an estimated guess as to when they will arrive. Bear in mind it will take at least a week to get your ToRs number back and then at least 4-6 weeks for us to ship it to the UK. It won’t matter if the date is a few weeks different when it gets there.
Click that you confirm the information is correct.
Add your full name.
Current place of residence
Florida, New York, Toronto, etc.
Number of enclosures are all the other pieces that you are going to scan like your passport, packing list, proof of residency, letters explain anything.
Add the date you completed this form and press submit.