How to Avoid the Coronavirus if You Need to Travel
The world has come to a standstill in a way that no-one can remember happening before. As China slowly begins to bring itself back to normality, the US and Europe are continuing to live through the impacts of Coronavirus.
It goes without saying, that travel right now is the last thing you should be considering – no matter how cheap the fares are.
However, thousands of people around the world have no option. New jobs may be starting, houses have been bought and sold and for many, there’s no choice but to travel.
Staying hygienic is the optimum way to contain the spread of Coronavirus – not only to yourself but to those you come into contact with. Social distancing is pretty hard when you’re crammed on a flying metal tube, let’s face it.
However, just because you are traveling, it doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to get Covid-19.
Here are some ways to minimize its impact on you:
Make the most of empty airports and stock up
There aren’t many perks to flying right now, but the empty terminals means there is plenty of hand sanitizer, tissues, wipes and everything else you could possibly want to fly with right now. Whilst customers fight for the final bar of soap at your local supermarket, the airport has full stock.
Wipe down your space
If you can get a hold of them, use anti-bacterial wipes to clean your tray table, seat arms and even your seatbelt when you sit down. From then, you’ll be the only one to sit in it until you get off.
Use paper towels to avoid bathroom contamination
We’ve all experienced the toilets that you have to pull to open instead of push. Airplane toilets are notoriously fiddly. When in-flight, if you need to use the bathroom, wash your hands thoroughly (for twenty seconds) and then use a paper towel or toilet roll to open the door with, before throwing the paper away immediately and using hand sanitizer back at your seat. It may sound extreme, but you’ll be grateful to it if you avoid the virus.
What to do when you land
As soon as you reach solid ground and a shower, peel off and jump in. Throw your clothes into the wash and wipe down your suitcase. There is a lot of contrasting information on how long the virus can exist on surfaces and right now it is far better to be safe than sorry.
We all know the best way to contain the virus is to stay inside and uphold the social distancing regulations outlined by health professionals. However, for those who do need to travel, the most important thing is to maximize your hygiene and keep an eye on the local news from both your origin and destination.
Despite the current socioeconomic impact on businesses and the travel industry, UPakWeShip is proud to remain open. Keep an eye on our Facebook for general updates or contact us by phone for direct queries:
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Europe: +31 (0)629 262 052
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