Los Angeles to Scotland move with UPakWeShip

During the first part of November I began the process of taking bids for the international shipping from California to Scotland. I had about 8 quotes, some of which were live video online and some were walk-throughs in the house. I was feeling overwhelmed to say the least and didn’t know how I was going to make this trip happen. One of the local salesman told me that I had to have them wrap and pack everything or customs would typically inspect my belongings which could add several thousands on top of my price. He also told me that I couldn’t do a flat-rate shipment and everything had to be shipped by the weight. We frantically began cutting items out of our “list” to avoid taking too much and decided we would just buy new when we got to Scotland. We had come to the conclusion that many of our nice furniture and stuff would just have to be sold. The total cost for the door to door was about 13,000 dollars. This was the average cost I was being quoted by all the other companies.

One morning I met with a friend and he told me to look for a direct shipper. I immediately googled “LA to Scotland shipping” and UPakWeShip as the first on the list. The website was professional and easy to maneuver and I quickly asked for a quote. An hour later the quote was in my email and I was blown away at the cost for a shipping container, with no weigh limits and no frills. It seemed too good to be true so naturally I began reading reviews. I even came across a free downloadable book on the website to read. It was then I realized the folk I was speaking to before were lying. I didn’t need anyone to do my work, nor did I need to pay an incredible amount of money and limit the stuff we wanted to take.

UPakWeShip was a God-send. The wealth of knowledge that was on the website was enough to read for days on end and it helped me both make the decision to go and determine the steps to take in preparation for the move. I used so much of the practical wisdom and my life was much easier on move-out day. They literally saved me THOUSANDS of dollars PLUS the money I didn’t have to pay to buy new stuff once in the country. I now sit in my new house in Scotland after the relatively stress free process of shipping (minus the packing and crazyness with that). I am extremely thankful I found this company and the people who I have worked with along the way. Everyone has been so helpful (Mr. Nash, Whitney, Fran, and anyone else I’m missing).

Thank you.


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