Massive Congratulations Darren

UPakWeShip UK sponsored Darren to compete in the London Marathon this year. Unfortunately the event had to be cancelled for obvious reasons and instead last weekend all the would be participants were asked to run it on their own. As you can see Darren did the 26.2 miles in 3 hours 20 minutes which is amazing!

This is what he had to say.

Not the race I had planned today but along with tens of thousands of people across the country I decided to run the London marathon my way. Horrible conditions but it didn’t stop me. Went round in 3:20:12. Very proud moment to run the last little bit hand in hand with my son Jack ?. Thank you so much for all the sponsorship money,my place automatically goes into next years London Marathon which makes this even better.”

Darren’s lovely wife Louise works for UPakWeShip UK and is obviously very proud of him.

International Moving Doctor says: Congrats Darren, I couldn’t achieve this in 3 days and 20 minutes let alone 3 hours!


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