USA to UK International move “Amazing”

Graham posted a 5 star international moving review on our web site today. This is what he said about his international move from Florida to Hampshire England.

 A new experience shipping personal items across the Atlantic but after research we decided on 2 x UCrate100 from UPakWeShip. My contact in the USA was Alicia Hawk and she was nothing short of “AMAZING”. She assisted me throughout the whole process – (even though at times I was being a pain!) – including help with the completion of the “nasty” forms and labels. The crates were collected on time and then I started worrying again! No need. Fran Read in the UK was in contact and like her colleague in the USA was AMAZING in her service delivery. The crates arrived two hours early with no dents or visible damage and when opened there was all our “stuff” exactly as it was packed 4500 miles away.
I rarely go over the top with praise but this whole process was beyond my expectations. GOOD JOB.

International Moving Doctor says the U Crate 100’s are the easiest and safest way to ship your household goods and personal effects from the USA to the UK and Europe or vice versa. You can view all inclusive door to door lump sum prices for a U Crate 100 on our web site by clicking here.  Great job Alicia from UPakWeShip USA and Fran from UPakWeShip UK.  One company door to door!

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