How do you avoid having movers in your home when moving abroad?
As lockdown lessens and but social distancing remains, many companies are trying to find ways to ensure social distancing is upheld throughout their services.
But not UPakWeShip – and nope, this isn’t a complete disregard for the rules. It’s just that the reality is, our service has always been designed in a way that minimizes contact with other people! Social distancing? Our services were built for this!
UPakWeShip is exactly what it says in the name – you pack your items yourselves, and we collect your U-Crate and deliver it on the other side of the world. With curbside pickup and delivery, nobody is coming into your home, no strangers are touching your belongings and, most importantly, you don’t need to come into contact with anybody. For those vulnerable and self-isolating, you don’t need to put off moving your belongings abroad when your moving company poses no risk to your health!
Not only are there new ‘2020’ risks to having movers come into your home, but the reality is, packers don’t know and understand the value of your items. They are unlikely to take the care needed to guarantee your items will be safe door to door. The UPakWeShip way is different, and we’ve always been a big fan of different. With our ‘you pack’ way, it means our customers know exactly where all of their items are and can take extra care of sentimental items with personal value – it is also a great way to save money on your move!
We don’t need to compromise our service to maximize social distancing – because no contact is required!
From start to finish, the service is largely guided by you. When you book and have a crate delivered, we simply require a signature to receive the crate, and then it’s yours. Take as long or quick as you like – once you’ve got a date in mind for the pickup, simply let us know and have your packed and ready-to-go U-Crate outside your front door. This only requires one person to be there for the pickup, and a couple of signatures later, your shipment will be well on its way to one of our warehouses before it begins its journey overseas!
Check out our website for instant rates between the US/Europe – our lump sum prices are upfront and all-inclusive, perfect for those looking to budget and have a straight price for their move!
Moving from Europe, Canada or the UK? Each of our offices have their own site with each information relevant to each location.
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