Moving Overseas?

A good question was posted on Ask The Moving Doctor today. If you are thinking about one of our self pack and load shipping containers to move overseas with a full house load like Dwayne is, moving to Germany, please read this post. A 20 foot shipping container is about the size of a single garage and can hold a small house load. This is the ideal way to move to Europe for a great shipping rate with an experienced International Mover with the best 5 star ratings in the moving industry. For more information as the post suggests, look at our UPak TV page with a ship load of know how on this subject. Ask The Moving Doctor is a free service to the public where you can ask questions on the blog about moving overseas and receive honest advice in return. The Moving Doctor has over 30 years experience with International Moving and has personally moved overseas 5 times after working in the overseas moving business in Europe, The Middle East and The U.S.A. He also sits on the commercial affairs committee at The International Association of Movers (IAM) and also is Vice Chair of the International Shippers Association.
More information about International Moving can be found at upakweship’s web site

Dwayne says:

May 19, 2014 at 4:48 pm (Edit)

We have booked a 20 ft container for our move to Germany. What kind of hardware will be inside the container to fasten ropes, straps, etc.? Are there loops or hooks along the edges to help with that?


The Moving Doctor The Moving Doctor says:

May 20, 2014 at 1:27 pm (Edit)

Hello Dwayne, there will be tie rings in the corners top and bottom. You will have to purchase your own straps if needed or possibly a load bar to hold everything in place if you needed. They are useful if you have something heavy like a piano or safe or something on wheels that you don’t want it to slide around. Other options as inside of the container is corrugated would be to wedge in 8ft 6 inch 4×2 posts from floor one side to roof the other side to form a large X and place plywood sheets or a mattress in front to hold everything in place.
I suggest however you don’t need to tie or secure anything in place as long as you load everything in there at the same height throughout and tight left to right so if the truck driver jams on his brakes or the ship rolls 45 degrees in a rough sea nothing can move. It doesn’t matter how high you stack the container as long as the floor space it totally covered and loaded tight side to side and front to back.
You can find more information about loading a container on our web site here for container loading tips scroll down the page
We also have a lot of information on our UPak TV page click here to view. Hope that helps and email or call me if you need more information or advice, cheers The Moving Doctor, Tel 843 225 7217

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